Software Engineer. Twilio Champion. Entrepreneur.

Hi! I’m Charles Oduk, a Software Engineer and Twilio Champion based in the UK. Currently, I'm focused on building the world's school for social change at Acumen Academy.

Send an SMS When Your Build Fails on Travis CI

Every year just before Christmas, this tweet warning about holiday deployments resurfaces within Engineering circles. It is testament to the complications that could arise when we deploy changes to code. For this reason many companies have made the shift to Test Driven Development (TDD).

How to Create an iCal Calendar Feed with PHP using Laravel Lumen

iCal, short for iCalendar, is an internet standard file format used to store calendar information. Being a standard format, it is compatible with most online calendars, giving you access to important dates regardless of your preferred client (Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc.).

How To Build A WhatsApp Chatbot Using Twilio, Dialogflow and PHP

Natural Language Processing (NLP), is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that helps computers understand, interpret and manipulate human language. With the help of Natural Language Understanding (NLU), which is a branch of NLP, computers are able to handle the nuances of language.

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  1. Company
    Acumen Academy
    Technical Team Lead
  2. Company
    Acumen Academy
    Software Engineer
  3. Company
    Let's RSVP
  4. Company
    Software Engineer
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